There are many reasons women and men want to change or alter their physical

There are many reasons women and men want to change or alter their physical  appearance.  Aging, illness and accidents are a few of the circumstantial reasons,  but regardless of the circumstances the most common motivation is the desire for  increased confidence and satisfaction with one's look.  One way to add vibrancy to  your facial features and to regain some of your color and appeal is to invest in  micropigmentation or permanent makeup procedures.  Micropigmentation can  increase definition of the eyes, lips and eyebrows and this definition lights up the  face so you appear more present and more attractive.

Like plastic and cosmetic  surgery, permanent makeup has often been misunderstood and degraded.  The Lip Gloss / Nail Care Pencil Series  media has sensationalized occurrences of allergic reactions and poor technique and  rarely reported on the wonderful results a majority of micropigmentation clients  receive.  Don't get me wrong, there are risks and a trained, ethical practitioner will  inform you of all of the potential problems involved and will take the time to assist  you in making a decision that is in your best interests.

The Importance of Understanding Cosmetic Surgery

As the American Academy of Micropigmentation (AAM) and the Society of  Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP) have created new standards and  certification processes the industry of micropigmentation has become more  respected every year as a profession and as an art.  Plastic surgeons agree it takes  talent and experience to complete permanent makeup procedures that work.   Cosmetic surgery and micropigmentation are both costly and time consuming to  correct when procedures have been done poorly or by an untrained hand.

While  researching the topic of micropigmentation online you will find that the American  Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons  (ASPS) and even the University of Pennsylvania Health System's Department of  Plastic Surgery all recommend micropigmentation or permanent makeup as an  option.  It is often considered a complimentary procedure that has a number of  advantages.

At the ASAPS discusses how micropigmentation can  help recreate the areola around the nipple or to restore the color of skin where  natural pigmentation has been lost.  Permanent makeup can also help visually  correct eye and lip shape when they less than ideal.

Dixie Medford, President of the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals,  and an experienced professional, states in her article Permanent Makeup A Modern  Look At An Ancient Art that ?Women aren't going to tattoo parlors to get permanent  makeup.  Instead they are visiting their local salon or medical office.?  ?More and  more physicians, nurses and licensed estheticians,? she continues, ?are adding  Intradermal Pigmentation, otherwise referred to as Permanent Cosmetics, to their  menu of services.? Dixie Medford, also discusses the importance of permanent  makeup practitioners knowing their clients and understanding the implications of  plastic surgery procedures in her article Waking Up With Makeup Could Be A  Nightmare.

She states the following, ?The technician needs to be aware of when  and how to do eyebrows on plastic surgery patients that are considering or having  brow lift surgery or Botox injections.?  ?It is important,? Medford continues, 'to be  aware of the impact of aging skin and the changes that will occur in the brow  shape.?  She goes on to say; ?Plastic surgery and aging are also factors to consider  when performing eyeliner?.The permanent cosmetic technician must take  additional consideration when working on post surgical clients.?

Micropigmentation as an Alternative

Permanent makeup works well as a complimentary procedure for patients  seeking plastic surgery, however, it can also be considered an alternative to  particular procedures.  The same effects created by a surgical brow lift or collagen  injections into the lips can sometimes be achieved through micropigmentation.   There are many reasons a patient should not choose to have plastic surgery.  Often  these reasons are associated with physical or mental health problems.  A good  cosmetic surgeon will be certain their potential patient is physically able to handle a  surgery and to heal well.  They will make sure the potential patient is in a healthy  frame of mind and has a positive perspective on the procedure since this too can  affect the healing process and outcome of the surgery.

For these patients  micropigmentation may be a less intense and risky procedure.  Also, if a patient has  experienced problems after a facelift, micropigmentation can help to correct  drooping eyelids and other issues so the client can avoid additional expensive  corrective surgery.